RUNWAY is a place where Aircraft Lands and Takeoffs. A Runway is a defined area at an airport, most commonly made from asphalt and concrete, for takeoff and landing of aircraft. Depending on the airport, this area could be nothing more than a strip of grass, dirt, or sand. However, most airport Runways are made from asphalt and concrete. Either way, the tarmac is the paved Runway at the airport. The term tarmac refers to the area of an airport where airplanes taxi, or pull up to a gate, or head out to the Runway. The Runway itself is also called the tarmac. The name comes from a specific tar-based paving material that's also commonly used on roads. A Runway is a defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. Runways may be a human-made surface or a natural surface. They are often made of asphalt, concrete, or a mixture of both, but they can also be made of grass, dirt, gravel, ice, sand, or salt. Runways are sometimes referred to as ...