“And the Camels and Cattle We have Appointed for you as among the Symbols of ALLAH; for you therein is Good. So mention the name of ALLAH upon them when lined up [for sacrifice]; and when they are [lifeless] on their sides, then Eat from them and Feed the Needy and the Beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be Grateful.” (Al-Quran) The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “It is the Sunnah of Your FATHER HAZRAT IBRAHIM (AS). For every Hair of the Qurbani you Receive a Reward from ALLAH (swt).” (Trimidhi) Qurbani, meaning Sacrifice, is an Integral part of the Festival of EID UL ADHA for Muslims around the World. In addition, this act is also known as the Sunnah of HAZRAT IBRAHIM (AS). When asked about the origin of EID UL ADHA, Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMED (Peace Be Upon Him) is reported to have said, “ It is a tradition that has come down to us from Prophet HAZRAT IBRAHIM (AS) .” The Feast of Sacrifice dates from the historic event almost 4000 years back fro...