What is Airport? Airport is a Place where Aircraft Takes Off and Lands regularly to carry passengers and cargo with all facilities and formalities incident to Customs, Immigration, Security check for Passengers and Cargo for Commercial and Non Commercial Purpose. In this context I would describe two types of airports, International and Domestic... International Airport: International Airport is an Airport where Customs and Border Control Facilities enable for Passengers to Travel between Countries. An International Airports usually Facilitate Customs, Immigration, Health Check, Security Check and All Travel Related Formalities. Domestic Airport: Domestic Airport is an Airport where Handles Domestic Flights Only for Passengers and Cargo. Domestic Airports Doesn't Need Customs and Immigration Facilities. THERE ARE 15 AIRPORTS ARE IN BANGLADESH BETWEEN THESE 15 ONLY 3 ARE FOR INTERNATIONAL AND REST 5 ARE OPERATIONAL FOR DOMESTIC OPERATION INCLUDING 3 INTERNATIONAL. RESTS ALL AR...