International Sales Indicator Codes SITI, SITO, SOTI, SOTO

The International Sales Indicator Codes indicates the relationship between the Point of Sale, Point of Ticketing and the Country of Commencement of travel for the itinerary. These indicators determine if certain fare construction principles are required… SITI. Sold Inside, Ticketed Inside. A ticket sold and issued in the same country. That means a ticket issued at the location where the journey would originate. SITO. Sold Inside, Ticketed Outside. A ticket sold in one country and issued in a country not included in the itinerary. That means a ticket issued at the location where the journey wouldn’t originate. This refers to an airline ticket that has been bought from the country that features in the travel itinerary, but has been issued from a country that doesn't feature in the journey. SOTI. Sold Outside, Ticketed Inside. A ticket sold in one country but issued in another country on the itinerary. That means a tic...