AERION SUPERSONIC: THE FIRST AIRCRAFT IN HISTORY TO FLY SUPERSONIC WITHOUT A BOOM REACHING THE GROUND ENTREPRENEURS, INNOVATORS, RISK TAKERS, AND PIONEERS The mindset of a startup with decades of research and experience underneath us. Aerion Corporation was an American aircraft manufacturer based in Reno, Nevada. It was founded by Robert Bass of Fort Worth. From 2004 until 2021, the company had been developing a 10-passengercsupersonic jet to cut transatlantic flights by three hours using "boomless cruise" technology to negate the sonic boom. It was expected to be the first supersonic aircraft without an afterburner to lower emissions, and the first to run on biofuels. SPEED Mach 1.4 Supersonic cruising speed 4,200NM Supersonic range 0.95 Mach Subsonic cruising speed 5,400NM Subsonic range LUXURY A PERFECT INTEGRATION OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY AND CRAFTSMANSHIP Sustainable Luxury Design Aerion Proprietary Seating WhisperQuiet™ Cabin and Purity™ Climate Cont...