ATR Aircrafts


ATR is the World's Number ONE Aircraft Manufacturer in Regional Aviation Providing a New Generation of Turboprops...

ATR is the leader in the Regional Aviation Market. ATR Turboprop Aircrafts are the Most Eco-Friendly Regional Airplanes and are the World Benchmark ...

ATR (Aerei da Trasporto Regionale or Avions de transport regional, Regional Transport Airplanes in English) is a Franco-Italian Aircraft Manufacturer Headquartered on the Grounds of Toulouse Blagnac International Airport in Blagnac, France. It was formed during 1981 as a Joint Venture between two major European Aeronautics Players, Airbus (France) and Leonardo (Italy). The company's Principal Products are the ATR 42 and ATR 72 Aircraft, of which it has Developed Multiple Variants of Both Types. 

ATR creates 2095 ROUTES

ATR Lands in 1300 Airports

ATR has sold more than 1,700 Aircraft

ATR has over 200 Operators in more than 100 Countries

ATR usually uses Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127M Engines.

ATR Access Challenging Airfields...

ATR usually supply essential regional connectivity for people, businesses and communities all over the world. Whether it is linking local business to capital cities, taking travellers deep into the heart of the world’s natural beauty or delivering vital medical aid and supplies to communities that cannot otherwise be accessed, ATR aircraft help bring people, ideas, goods and markets together. ATR family is comprised of four variants of two aircraft.

ATR offer Airlines the Most Efficient, Versatile, Innovative and Sustainable Regional Aircraft on the market. ATR Aircraft have been designed and built around Turboprop engines. The efficiency of ATR aircraft means they:

  • BURN LESS fuel than a similarly sized regional jet
  • EMIT LESS CO2 than a similarly sized regional jet
  • ACCESS  Challenging terrains, hence widening route opportunities
  • CONTRIBUTE to sustainable aviation

With ATR focus on continuous innovation ATR aircraft have continuously evolved to perfectly meet the needs of ATR operators and their passengers, reaching places others cannot. Passengers will arrive at their destination in one of ATR stylish, modern and comfortable cabins. Whether through taking off from short runways or landing in challenging mountain ranges, we’re providing passengers with a vital option for low cost connectivity.

Here are ATR Aircrafts at a Glance: 


Aircraft Model

Maximum Range

Maximum Cruise Speed


  Useful Load                 

Takeoff Field Length


ATR 42-300

449 NM

266 KTAS - 493 km/h


4,640 kg - 10,229 lb

1,090 m - 3,576 ft


ATR 42-320

451 NM

270 KTAS - 500 km/h


4,640 kg - 10,229 lb

1,041 m - 3,415 ft


ATR 42-500

703 NM

300 KTAS - 556 km/h


5,500 kg - 12,125 lb

1,165 m - 3,822 ft


ATR 42-600

703 NM

300 KTAS - 556 km/h


5,300 kg - 11,684 lb

1,107 m - 3,632 ft


ATR 72-200

862 NM

278 KTAS - 515 km/h


7,000 kg - 15,432 lb

1,409 m - 4,623 ft


ATR 72-210

791 NM

279 KTAS - 517 km/h


7,000 kg - 15,432 lb

1,211 m - 3,973 ft


ATR 72-500

772 NM

275 KTAS - 510 km/h


7,000 kg - 15,432 lb

1,224 m - 4,016 ft


ATR 72-600

758 NM

275 KTAS - 510 km/h


7,550 kg - 16,645 lb

1,279 m - 4,196 ft

Source: Wikipedia & 


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