Eid ul Fitr – The Festival of Incomparable JOY and Fellowship..

Eid ul Fitr
 The Festival of Incomparable

 JOY and Fellowship..

Eid ul Fitr – The Festival of Breaking the Fast. Celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of the month long dawn to sunset fasting of Ramadan. Usually Muslims fast for a month to conform the order of Almighty Allah. 

This is important because it marks the end of Ramadan, the month in which the Holy Qur’an was first revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Throughout Ramadan, Muslims around the world undertake a fast between the hours of sunrise and sunset and spend a lot of time in self reflection while studying the Qur’an and connecting with Allah (SWT) on a spiritual level. After a full month of sacrifice and dedication, Eid ul Fitr is a time to come together with family and loved ones to enjoy everyday blessings.

Eid ul Fitr is on Shawwal ONE of Hijri month of Lunar Hijri Calendar. The date for the start of any lunar Hijri month varies based on the new moon is sighted. By local religious authorities (চাঁদ দেখা কমিটি) of any country declared the sighting of moon, so the day of celebration varies by locality depends on the Moon Sight. 

Muslims seeking purification and salvation during the prayer of Eid at the beginning of the Eid day. Usually Muslims pray two Rakat Salat in an open place called Eidgah just after sunrise and before midday. It is a joyous festival that has both spiritual and social connotations. It is an occasion of incomparable JOY and Fellowship.

It is also Called as “Romjaner Eid” or “Rojar Eid”. Eid Day also remembered for the large banquet of food that is normally prepared for this occasion. The food items usually include polau, korma, rezala, kebab, prawn malai curry and chili chicken and lots of sweet dish like Rasmalai, Rasgulla, Sandesh, Firni, Mishti Doi, Lassi and Faluda etc., reflecting the cultural aspects of the cuisines across the globe. Many dishes prepared according to the tests and financial ability of the family.

Eid Greetings EID MUBARAK means “Blessed Feast/Festival”. The term is used by Muslims all over the world. Usually Muslims use it as a greeting for use on the festivals. In some places that this exchange of greetings is a cultural tradition and not part of any religious obligation. Below are the Eid Greetings in different languages but meaning is same:


ঈদ মোবারক

عيد مبارك



EID မူဘာရက်

ईद मुबारक

عید مبارک

עיד מובארק



EID 무바라크

EID ਮੁਬਾਰਕ



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