Alenia Aermacchi


Alenia Aermacchi

Type S.A. (corporation)

Industry Aeronautics

Predecessor Alenia Aeronautica


Founded January 2012

Defunct December 31, 2015

Successor Leonardo S.p.A.

Services Aero Structures

Products            Aircraft

Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. provides Defence Aircraft, Civil Aircraft and Engine Parts. The Company provides Defence Aircraft including Transport, Trainer, Special Mission and Fighter Aircraft. Alenia Aermacchi markets its products globally. Alenia Aermacchi was a company active in the aeronautics sector with offices and plants in Venegono Superiore, Varese, Turin Airport in San Maurizio Canavese, Province of Turin and Pomigliano d'Arco, Province of Naples. From 1 January 2016, the activities of Alenia Aermacchi merged into Leonardo’s Aircraft and Aero Structures Division.


Alenia Aermacchi was created on 1 January 2012 as the merger of Alenia Aeronautica and its subsidiaries (Alenia) Aermacchi and Alenia SIA. The former Alenia Aeronautica was created in 1990 by concentrating the Finmeccanica aerospace and defence industries Aeritalia and Selenia.

List of Alenia Aermacchi

Source: aerocorner, wikipedia, bloomberg


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